Monday 11 March 2013

back by (no) demand

so i suck at blogging.
but i'll be better! (this is an apology to my blog mainly, since i'm pretty sure no-one reads this)
and here was me thinking i would really make a go of it, haha.

i did get my tattoo!

still forget i have it sometimes, until i look down. cannot wait to get my others though!
especially the one i've wanted since i was 17. (i'll put a picture up next time i remember, promise!)

since i last updated i've been to a couple of pretty momentous gigs, for me anyways.
i saw the vaccines at southampton joiners (fucking epic), and palma violets at the 100 club. both insane, can't quite believe i got to go to even one of them! especially since i didn't think i'd see the vaccines again this year. seen them 8 times total now, i think...? let's count!
1. reading festival 2011.
2. southampton guildhall 2011
3. norwich uea 2011
4. london o2 academy 2011
5. brighton seaside tour 2012
6. isle of wight festival 2012
7. bournemouth nov 2012
8. southampton joiners.

still trying to recall any other times! for my favourite, i can't pick just one. reading was a memorable one since it was the first time i saw them and i've never really forgotten it, tom cowan also came on and played keyboards for 2 songs! norwich was pretty awesome, tiny venue, pointed at by justin and was probably the best time i met him. southampton joiners, well no more needs to be said really haha!

bit annoyed since i booked tickets for PEACE at the wedgewood rooms in portsmouth and remembered i'm seeing mcfly in reading on the same day, so i have to sell my tickets and swap for PEACE in reading i think. gahhhh.

also donate to me so i can go to primavera? cheers.

well i think that's it for now!
peace out.
s x

Wednesday 19 December 2012

blog time again!

Hey hey,
Actually so proud of myself for keeping up with this blog! I swear i usually would have given up by now haha. Was originally supposed to have today off, but i owed a colleague a shift so went in late and did that, went quite well though. (Only 4 hours!) I swear all i talk about is work...
Very excited for Friday, payday! Think i'm coming down with a cold though, bummer. Please send tablets and tissues my way.

So here are my planned purchases for friday, since i haven't got a lot to talk about today. (And i haven't
 done my nails, either.)

also hopefully going to get a couple of long sleeved basic button up collared tops to put under jumpers/ect.
still need to get a couple christmas presents! all rests on friday...

S x (love pretending i can sing to this)

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Not a whole lot to report today, as i had work which took up a big chunk of it!
Still need to wrap my presents for christmas as it's ONLY A WEEK AWAY.
Time flies and all that!

And i still haven't bought all my presents. I get paid on Friday though so will grab the last few then.
Friday is also the day i get my first tattoo! Very very excited. Will post some pictures once i finish work that night. (Yes, still have to go to work after haha!)

Just started watching "Dexter", i'm two episodes in and i love it. Dexter's hot, man. I'm pretty sure i watched it before, but just kind of... stopped?
So this makes True Blood, Vampire Diaries (sense a theme here?) and Dexter i'm watching continuously and i've convinced myself to start re-watching Gossip Girl again as i gave up after season 3 or 4...

Well, until tomorrow...

S x (always makes me cry.)

Monday 17 December 2012

So i decided on a design for my nails and i've completed it! Are you ready? (Pretty impressed with these ones, even if i do say myself!)

Ta da! What do you think? Sure, one of the snowmen looks a bit depressed but isn't that part of the fun? Maybe he got no presents this year.

a big hello!

So after staying up way too late last night, I've been inspired to start a blog. I've had a couple attempts before, but nothing has ever really stuck. But i'm going to give this one a proper go! I'm not too sure how interesting it'll be, but i'll include lots of pictures and hopefully there will be a few of you out there who'll have a giggle or two.

Changing my nails again today! (I do that a lot...) Haven't decided on a design just yet, but i'm thinking something christmassy? I'm not the best at nail art but i can muster together something half decent, they always get chipped at work anyway! (I work in a Tesco Express...)
Work was same as always today, usual chatty customers and my 4 hour shift went quickly so that's always nice. :)

I'll post a picture of my nails once i've done them but here was the before shot:

Please excuse the messy paint work and my horrible fingers!

Until later,
S x